Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous OxideOak Brook, IL

Request An Appointment

    If the thought of an upcoming dental appointment has you nervous, our dentist can help you to feel less anxious. Dr. Chris Metcalf offers nitrous oxide to our patients so that each patient can feel less nervous in the dental chair at Metcalf Dental. We invite you to call us at (630) 203-9779 to schedule an appointment with our dentist and find out if nitrous oxide in Oak Brook, Illinois, is a good solution for you.

    Nitrous oxide, sometimes called “laughing gas,” is used for sedation during many dental procedures. It is a safe and effective way to help you relax during your treatment while ensuring that you stay awake so that you can receive instructions from our dentist. It has been used for many years and can help to reduce anxiety in patients who feel uneasy about going to the dentist. It can also help to dull the sensations of pain and make the procedure feel shorter.

    Our dentist will start by placing a nose mask over your nose where you will inhale the gas. You will begin to feel the effects immediately. You will feel slightly lightheaded but relaxed and still lucid enough to take any potential instructions from our dentist. They will carefully monitor you while you are under the influence of nitrous oxide and will make sure that you are comfortable and safe throughout your dental procedure. Once the procedure is done, the nose mask will be removed and the effects will usually wear off within a few minutes. You will be able to resume your normal activities almost immediately.

    Talk to our dentist about your sedation options for your procedure during a consultation, especially if you may have dental anxiety. We can decide whether nitrous oxide is right for you.